Nov 8, 2009

i'm rusted from the rain..

Alright. Yesterday was a great day. I designed my room new and now it looks.. big & great. My Dad helped me a lot so it was done after 2 hours. We had to push my 2 biig [i mean REALLY big] wardrobes to the other side of the room. My mum told us the whole time that we should put the things out of the wardrobes, but we didn't do this. Why should we? We're strong enough... But when we first tried to push the wardrobe it didn't move :D But after all everything is where i want it to be :P In the evening [22pm or something like that] i watched Final Destination. And everyone who ever watched this film knows, that it's a nightmare. I couldn't sleep the half night and when i fell asleep i dreamed of this film. And i woke up sweating. It was really scary cause i didn't find my lamp, because it wasn't where i expected it. So I groped along the wall and i thought the whole time: oh my god there's a ghost or a murder or something baaaad.. And then I found my lamp .. it was where i put it the day before and i could have killed my self for having soo much fear just because i watched Final Destination! :D
Then i had breakfast with my family and my oldest brother said something about emos. He always says that i am an emo. This sucks! He said: Yes, Franzi will become an emo.. look at her nails!
Just because my nails were black?! Look at her hair! It was a little mess.. U know mum.. i bet she wants a piercing!
And then my mum began to tell us about how bad piercings are and that nobody gets a job who has a piercing and she'll never allow me to have one and blaaa.. So I went upstairs because i hate it when my family talks this way. But sometimes i really hate my brother. You have to know that his girlfriend was there too. He acts always like this when she's there. But she doesn't laugh about the jokes he makes about me. That's why i like her :)
Good Charlotte - Lifestyles ; Billy Talent - Rusted from the rain
That's it for now.

1 comment:

  1. It's me again... :P

    I think the funniest thing about people calling you an emo is that most of them don't really know the meaning of it! Sure, people think of crying, self-harming, depressed teenagers in black clothes with too many piercings and messy hair. But those are fashion-emos, not real emos. And there's nothing wrong about being an emo, because: What's wrong about showing feelings?
    I think you shouldn't let his jokes get you down, you know what you are and with this self-confidence you can show him who you are. And: People who categorize other people are worse than so called emos. ;)

    Und so wie dein Bruder klingt, hört sich das an, als wäre er ein Hopper...
